Products from

Les Potagers du télégraphe

Vegetable grower, Étampes
Laëtitia Normand Alvarez
Interested by Hampers and baskets, soups and preserves & herbs and plants in Ile-de-France? Theses products are sold by Les Potagers du télégraphe in Assemblies.

Hampers and Baskets

Find points of sale
Panier de légumes anti gaspi BIO
Panier de légumes BIO

Soups and Preserves

Find points of sale
Tartinade Aubergine Tomate BIO -20%
Velouté Courgette Concombre BIO PROMO -50 %

Herbs and Plants

Find points of sale
Persil frisé BIO
Persil plat BIO
Lentilles vertes BIO
Ail frais BIO
Pomme de terre primeur BIO
Oignon jaune BIO
Fenouil BIO
Kiwano BIO
Rhubarbe BIO
Œufs extra frais BIO
Sauce tomate BIO